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Peer-Reviewed Publications

59. Morrison SA, Belden JB.  In press. Characterization of performance reference compound kinetics and analyte sampling rate corrections under three flow     regimes using POCIS-style nylon organic chemical integrative samplers.  Journal of Chromatography A.

58. Morrison SA, Luttbeg B, Belden JB.  In press. Comparisons of discrete and integrative sampling accuracy in estimating pulsed aquatic exposures.  Environmental Pollution.

57. Mimbs WH, Cusaac PW, Smith LM, McMurry ST, Belden JB.  2016. Occurrence of current-use fungicides and bifenthrin in Rainwater Basin wetlands.  Chemosphere 159:275-281.


56. McMurry ST, Belden JB, Smith LA, Morrison SA, Daniel DW, Euliss BR, Euliss NH, Kensinger BJ, Tangen BA.  Conservation program effects on pesticide loads in Prairie Pothole wetlands of North and South Dakota. Science of the Total Environment. 565:682-689.


55. Morrison SA, Belden JB. Calibration of nylon organic passive samplers and sentinel passive samplers for quantitative measurement of pulsed aquatic exposures. Chromatography A . 1449:109-117.


54. Morrison SA, Belden JB.  2016.  Development of Helisoma trivolvis pond snails as biological samplers for biomonitoring of current-use pesticides. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 35:2320-2329.

53.  Gustafson KD, Belden JB, Bolek MG.  2016. Atrazine reduces the transmission of an amphibian trematode by altering snail and ostracod host-parasite interactions.  Parasitology Research 115: 1583-1594.


52. Layton S, Belden JB. 2016. An Invertebrate Endocrine Disruption Lab: Engaging Undergraduate Biology Students in the Scientific Process.  American Biology Teacher. 78:410-416.

51. Cusaac JP, Morrison SA, Belden JB, Smith LM, McMurry ST. 2016. Acute toxicity of headline® fungicide to Blanchard’s cricket frogs (Acris blanchardi). Ecotoxicology 25:447-455.

50. Lotufo GR, Belden JB, Fisher JC, Chen SF, Mowery RA, Chambliss CK, Rosen G. 2016. Accumulation and Depuration of Trinitrotoluene and Related Extractable and Nonextractable (Bound) Residues in Marine Fish and Mussel.  Environmental Pollution. 210:129-136

49. Morrison SA, Sieve KK, Ratajczak RE, Bringholf RB, Belden JB.  2016. Simultaneous extraction and clean-up of high-lipid organs from white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) for multiple legacy and emerging organic contaminants using QuEChERS sample preparation.  Talanta. 146: 16-22.

48. Cusaac JP, Mimbs WH, Belden JB, Smith LM, McMurry ST. 2015. Terrestrial exposure and effects of Headline Amp® fungicide on amphibians.  Ecotoxicology. 24:1341-1351.


47. Gustafson KD, Belden JB, Bolek MG.2015.The effects of the herbicide atrazine on freshwater snails.


46. Daniel DW, Smith LM, Belden JB, McMurry ST, Swain S.  2015.  Effects of land-use change and fungicide application on soil respiration in playa wetlands and adjacent uplands of the U.S. High Plains.  Science of the Total Environment 514:290-297.


45. Belden JB, Lotufo GR, Biedenbach JM, Sieve KK, Rosen G.  2015.  Application of POCIS for exposure assessment of munitions constituents during constant and fluctuating exposure.  Environmental Toxicology Chemistry 34:959-967.


44. Simpson AM, Jeyasingh PD, Belden JB. 2015. Variation in toxicity of a current-use insecticide among resurrected Daphnia pulicaria genotypes. Ecotoxicology 24:488-496.


43. Graves GM, Vogel JR, Belden JB, Rebek EJ, Simpson AM.  2014. Investigation of insecticide leaching from potted nursery stock and aquatic health benefits of bioretention cells receiving nursery runoff. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 21: 8801-8811. 


42. Hartman EAH, Belden JB, Smith LM, McMurry ST.  2014.  Chronic effects of strobilurin fungicides on development, growth, and mortality of larval Great Plains toads (Bufo cognatus).  Ecotoxicology 23:396-403.

41. Morrison S, McMurry ST, Smith LM, Belden JB.  2013.  Acute toxicity of pyraclostrobin and trifloxystrobin to Hyalella azteca. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 32:1516-1525.


40. Hazelton PD, Cope WG, Mosher S, Pandolfo TJ, Belden JB, Barnahrt MC, Bringholf RB.  2013.  Fluoxetine alters freshwater mussel behavior and larval metamorphosis.  Science of the Total Environment 445: 94-100.


39. Hooser EA, Belden JB, Smith LM, McMurry ST. 2012. Acute toxicity of three strobilurin fungicide formulations and their active ingredients to tadpoles Ecotoxicology 21:1458-1464


38. Belden JB, Hanson BR, McMurry ST, Smith LM, Haukos DA. 2012. Assessment of the effects of farming and conservation programs on pesticide deposition in High Plains wetlands. Environmental Science Technology  46: 3424−3432


37. Belden JB, Lotufo GR, Chambliss CK, Fisher JC, Johnson DR, Boyd RE, Sims JG.  2011.  Accumulation of 14C-trinitrotoluene and related nonextractable (bound) residues in Eisenia fetida. Environmental Pollution 159: 1363-1368.


36. Belden JB, McMurry ST, Smith LM, Reilley P. 2010.  Acute Toxicity of Fungicide Formulations to Amphibians at Environmental Relevant Concentrations.  Environmental Toxicologyand  Chemistry 29:2477-2480.


35. Fisher JC, Belden JB, Bidwell JR.  2010.  Can site-specific heuristic models predict the toxicity of produced water?  Chemosphere 80:542-547.


34. Trimble AJ, Belden JB, Mueting SA, Lydy MJ.  2010.  Determining modifications to bifenthrin toxicity and sediment binding affinity from varying potassium chloride concentrations in overlying water.  Chemosphere 80:53-59.


33. Lydy MJ, Belden JB, You J, and Harwood AD.  2010.  Toxicological significance of pesticide residues in aquatic animals.  In Environmental Contaminants in Wildlife: Interpreting Body Residues. J. Meador, ed.  Taylor and Francis.  


32. Trimble AJ, Weston DP, Belden JB, Lydy MJ.  2009.  Identification and evaluation of pyrethroid insecticide mixtures in urban sediments.  Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28:1687-1695. 


31. Hintzen EP, Lydy MJ, Belden JB.  2009.  Occurrence and toxicity of urban-use insecticides in sediment collected in central Texas creeks.  Environmental Pollution 157:110-116.


30. Brooks BW, Maul JD, and Belden JB. 2008.  Antibiotics in Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems.In Sven Erik Jørgensen and Brian D. Fath (Editor-in-Chief), Ecotoxicology. Vol. [1] of Encyclopedia of Ecology, 5 vols. pp. [210-217] Oxford: Elsevier.


29. Belden JB, Gilliom R, Lydy MJ.  2007.  How well can we predict the aquatic toxicity of pesticide mixtures?  Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 3:364-372.


28. Henderson KL, Belden JB, Coats JR.  2007.  Fate of atrazine in a grassed phytoremediation system.  Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 26:1836-1842.


27. Henderson KL, Belden JB, Coats JR.   2007. Mass balance of metolachlor in a grassed phytoremediation system.  Environmental Science Technology 41:4084-4089.


26. Belden JB, Maul JD, Lydy MJ.  2007.  Partitioning and Photodegradation of Ciprofloxacin in Aqueous Systems in the Presence of Organic Matter.  Chemosphere. 66:1390-1395.


25. Belden JB, Gilliom R, Martin J, Lydy MJ. 2007.  Relative toxicity and occurrence patterns of pesticide mixtures in streams draining agricultural watersheds dominated by corn and soybean production.  Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management. 3:90-100.


24. Maul JD, Schuler LJ, Belden JB, Whiles MR, and Lydy MJ.  2006.  Effects of the antibiotic ciprofloxacin on stream microbial communities and detritivorous macroinvertebrates.  Environmental Toxicology Chemistry 25:1598-1606.


23. Maul JD, Belden JB, Schwab BA, Whiles MR, Spears B, Farris JL, and Lydy MJ.  2006.  Bioaccumulation and trophic transfer of polychlorinated biphenyls by aquatic and terrestrial insects to tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor).   Environmental Toxicology Chemistry 25:1017-1025.


22. Henderson KL, Belden JB, Zhao S, Coats JR.  2006.  Phytoremediation of pesticide wastes in soil.  Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung C  61C:213-221.


21. Belden JB and Lydy MJ.  2006.  Joint Toxicity of Chlorpyrifos and Esfenvalerate to Fathead Minnows and Midge Larvae.  Environmental Toxicology Chemistry 25:623-629.


20. Belden JB, Lotufo GR, and Lydy MJ.  2005.  Accumulation of RDX in catfish and aquatic oligochaetes.  Environmental Toxicology Chemistry 24: 1962-1967.


19. Schuler LJ, Trimble AJ, Belden JB, and Lydy MJ.  2005.  Joint toxicity of triazine herbicides and organophosphate insecticides to the midge, Chironomus tentans. Archives Environmental Contamination Toxicology 49: 173-177.


18. Cardoza LA, Knapp CW, Larive CK, Belden JB, Lydy MJ, Graham DW. 2005. Ciprofloxacin attenuation rates and mechanisms in aquatic field systems. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 161:383-398.


17. Ownby DR, Belden JB, Lotufo GR, and Lydy MJ.  2005. Accumulation of Trinitrotoluene (TNT) in aquatic organisms:  Part 1 – bioconcentration and distribution in channel catfish.  Chemosphere 58:1153-1159.


16. Belden JB, Ownby DR, Lotufo GR, and Lydy MJ.  2005. Accumulation of Trinitrotoluene (TNT) in aquatic organisms:  Part 2 – bioconcentration in aquatic invertebrates and potential for trophic transfer to channel catfish.  Chemosphere 58:1161-1168.


15. Belden JB, Phillips TA, Clark BW, Coats JR.  2005.  Toxicity of pendimethalin to soil organisms.  Bulletin Environmental  Contamination Toxicology 74:769-776.


14. Robinson AA, Belden JB, and Lydy MJ.  2005.  Toxicity of fluoroquinilone antibiotics to aquatic organisms. Environmental Toxicology Chemistry 24:423-430.


13. Schultz G, Simbro E, Belden JB, Zhu J, Coats JR.  2004.  Catnip, Nepeta cataria (Lamiales: Lamiaceae), a closer look: Seasonal occurrence of nepetalactone isomers and comparative repellency.  J. Economic Entomology 33:1562-1569.


12. Lydy MJ, Belden JB, Wheelock CE, Hammock BD, Denton DL.  2004.  Challenges in regulating pesticide mixtures.  Ecology and Society 9(6):1.[online] URL:


11. Belden JB and Coats JR.  2004.  Comparison of grass species for use as pesticide mitigating agents in vegetated buffer strips.  Environmental Toxicology Chemistry 23:2251-2258.


10. Bringolf RB, Belden JB and Summerfelt RC.  2004.  Effects of atrazine on fathead minnow in a short-term reproduction assay.  Environmental Toxicology Chemistry 23:1019-1025.


9. Belden JB, Phillips TA and Coats JR.  2004.  Effect of prairie grass on the dissipation, movement, and bioavailability of selected herbicides in prepared soil columns.  Environmental Toxicology Chemistry 23:125-132.


8. Belden JB, Clark BW, Phillips TA, Henderson KL, and Coats JR.  2004.  Detoxification of Pesticide Residues in Soil Using Phytoremediation.  Gan JJ, Zhu PC, Aust SD, and Lemly AT  (ed.) ACS Symposium Series 863, Pesticide Decontamination and Detoxification.  American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C.


7. Belden JB, Phillips TA, Henderson KL, Clark BW, Lydy MJ, and Coats JR.  2003.  Persistence, mobility, and bioavailability of pendimethalin and trifluralin in soil.  In Coats JR and Yamamoto H (eds.) ACS Symposium Series 853, Environmental Fate and Effects of Pesticides.  American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C.


6. Phillips TA, Belden JB, Stroud M, and Coats JR.  2003.  Evaluation of a cold-water hand-washing regimen in removing carbaryl residues from contaminated fabrics.  Bulletin Environmental  Contamination Toxicology 71:6-10.


5. Belden, J.B., M.J. Lydy.  2001.  Effect of atrazine on cholinesterase activity in midges (Chironomus tentans) exposed to organophosphorus insecticides.  Chemosphere.  44:  1685-1689.


4. Belden JB, Eaton HJ, and Lydy MJ.  2000.  Occurrence of polychlorinated biphenyls in fish and sediment of the Arkansas River Basin, Kansas.  Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 103: 177-184.


3. Belden JB and Lydy MJ.  2000.  Impacts of atrazine on organophosphorus insecticide toxicity. 

Environmental Toxicology Chemistry 19: 2266-2274.

2. Belden JB, Hofelt C and Lydy MJ.  2000.  Analysis of multiple pesticides in urban storm water using solid-phase extraction.  Archives Environmental Contamination Toxicology  38: 7-10.  


1. Lydy MJ, Belden JB and Ternes M.  1999.  Effect of temperature on the toxicity of m-parathion, chlorpyrifos, and pentachlorobenzene to Chironomus tentans.  Archives Environmental Contamination Toxicology  37: 542-547.

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